Sunday, October 25, 2015

Street Shafting For Roving RORCO

From our very own tabloid, THE DAILY MALICE
(Should anybody be in any doubt, the following is satire. It is not real.  The article parodies the prurient yet condemnatory tone taken by the "right wing" press in discussing what they consider to be non-conformist status or behaviours)

It’s a Camberwell cock up in more ways than one for Christian Detective Agency RORCO and their recent Head Office relocation.
Not only have the dozy detectives relocated to the “Westside” Camberwell neighbourhood of South Central London where detectives of any kind are banned & hunted by police-hating drug gangs.
But also the very street that now hosts respectable RORCO is a hotspot of gay prostitution going back hundreds of years.  Which is a little, well …
… Queer.
There’s certainly nowt as queer as the folk of John Ruskin Street of SE5, who rarely use the words “cock” and “up” in the same sentence without meaning one thing we’d rather not talk about.
(So don’t “arse” us about that.)
Instead, ask RORCO rivals PEPAC, the erstwhile Top Boys of neighbouring “Eastside” Camberwell.
PEPAC have triumphantly confirmed that “when it comes to gay sex (which it almost invariably does in West Camberwell), John Ruskin Street is what you might call the ‘Mother Load’ of the South London Cock Trade.”

Lazy RORCO planners failed to spot that the John Ruskin’ in “John Ruskin Street” is a modern-day corruption of the phrase Victorians used when they meant looking for gay sex (metered and gratis).
John buskin’” or “busking for a John” is what they have always done in this grubby pocket of West Camberwell. 
And so it wasn’t just John Ruskin Street that got fingered in the naming stakes —streets just yards from RORCO Headquarters bear, to this day, the distinctive stain of a sticky Cock Trade history:
You still won’t fail to find a male on adjoining ”Dale Road.”
And there’s still something big & hard for you on nearby ”Cook’s Road.”
But if you’re looking for a “Camberwell Carrot” be warned: there’s an Eastside version that’s long, thin & used for smoking, and a Westside version that’s long, thin & used for, well …
Other men.
“We have no interest in men,” said a spokesman from red-faced RORCO today, “And, anyway, John Ruskin Street is more Oval than anything, which is known for its cricket — in which, we hasten to add, we also have no interest.”
RORCO may have smashed the shit-stabber slur for six.
Fair play to ‘em.
But you and I know — the only game RORCO are interested in is the one where it’s fair play to play with a man’s balls.

And that’s simply not cricket at all.

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