The thing about satire is that it is not real. So please do not get offended. That would be silly.
Satirical characters often say nasty things. But these are imaginary opinions, written for effect. The effect is, hopefully, that you laugh - rather than lynch the writer.
None of the Great Works written in my name are satirical (although you would be forgiven for thinking otherwise.) But I know that people send me up all the time. I don't mind. Not just because I am God and therefore beyond - in a very real way - criticism, but because I know it's only for a laugh. I too have a sense of humour! (see religion.)
Frankly, I am amazed that I need to point any of this out. But then I have often thought that (see, in particular, The Ten Commandments).
Please therefore view my decision to post this from some twelve months in the future as what you might call metaphysical punctuation; a mild exclamation mark at the inability of humanity to get over itself, expressed as a casual confounding of the space-time continuum as you know it.
Glad we've got that cleared up.
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