Good luck to the Association of Reluctant Groundworkers (ARG!) and their plucky ploy to rinse a few quid out of the government with a story they made up in tea-break.
But let's remember one thing:
Its not the fatuous fraudsters from ARG! that are the problem here.
And nor is it the terrorists for whose prosecution the government are prepared to "do cash", no questions asked.
The problem we have in this country isn't ISIS.
It's how we see ISIS.
And thanks to the government, we're scared of ISIS. We're scared of Syrian refugees. We're scared of anybody we're told to be scared of.
Its old.
There's "no skool like the old-skool" when it comes to a lot of things - but geo-political strategy isn't one of these things.
Fear is, like, so Twentieth Century.
And if there's a weapon-crazed pack of reactionaries we should be scared of, it is - of course - our own government.
They're digging a hole for us we can do without.
And (unlike our friends from ARG!), they won't stop for anything.
Right now, British bombers are flying half-way round the world to bomb the shit out of people on the off-chance that they might turn up here and bomb us.
We've got the cart before the horse. If there's one thing likely to make foreign folk take up arms against us, its raining death on their loved ones from the skies.
So let's all chill for a moment.
Let's stop worrying about things that haven't happened yet.
Let's start accepting that there will always be a bogeyman the politicians can conjure up to camouflage their own failings.
And let's see ARG!'s attempt to secure the ISIS "terror pot" on the basis of palpably false evidence as a work of political art; of elegant, yet unconscious, protest; of dynamic, salt-earth satire - as, above all, a vital repudiation of a fear-mongering foreign policy that should long ago have been dead and buried.
Its the work-shy wits from ARG! who are up to the job. Well done lads. You've spoken for us all - whether you know it or not.
May your trenches be forever straight; may your taxes be forever bent; and may your strikes be forever ... well, forever.
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